• 4252724-3070950
  • 1032552c

Muse- Absolution XX Anniversary(盒裝版|20年紀念款|LP|黑膠唱片)

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NT$ 4,660.00
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NT$ 4,660.00
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預購: 每月月初進貨

Label: Warner Records

發行日: 2023/11/17


Disc:5LP, 盒裝版, 週年紀念款

為慶祝Muse第三張錄音室專輯20週年,Muse將於11月17日發行《Muse Absolution XX Anniversary》。

這個XX周年版特別包括了重新母帶處理的音頻、未發布的現場版本、演示和照片,還有與樂隊的新深度訪談,他們在其中討論了錄製過程的起伏以及影響專輯主題的社會環境。此外,還有對專輯製作人Rich Costey的訪談和問答環節。豪華盒裝套裝包裝在銀箔滑套中,包括一本40頁的精裝書,封面有凹版細節。重新母帶處理的《Absolution》專輯包括一張CD和兩張12英寸銀色黑膠。額外的音頻收錄在第二張CD和第三張透明12英寸黑膠上。


- Disc 1 -

1 Intro

2 Apocalypse Please

3 Time Is Running Out

4 Sing for Absolution

- Disc 2 -

1 Stockholm Syndrome

2 Falling Away with You

3 Interlude

4 Hysteria

- Disc 3 -

1 Blackout

2 Butterflies & Hurricanes

3 The Small Print

- Disc 4 -

1 Fury

2 Endlessly

3 Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

4 Ruled By Secrecy

- Disc 5 -

1 Intro

2 Apocalypse Please

3 Time Is Running Out

4 Sing for Absolution

5 Stockholm Syndrome

6 Falling Away with You

7 Interlude

8 Hysteria

9 Blackout

10 Butterflies & Hurricanes

11 The Small Print

12 Fury

13 Endlessly

14 Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

15 Ruled By Secrecy

- Disc 6 -

1 Apocalypse Please (Vocals and Keyboard Only)

2 Time Is Running Out (Recorded Live at the Wiltern Theater 2004)

3 Sing for Absolution (Recorded Live at the Antic Arena, Vienne 2004)

4 Falling Away with You (Demo 2002)

5 Hysteria (Demo 2002)

6 Hysteria (Recorded Live at Earl's Court 2004)

- Disc 7 -

1 Blackout (Recorded Live at the Antic Arena, Vienne 2004)

2 Butterflies & Hurricanes (Vocal, Keyboard and Strings Only)

3 Endlessly (Recorded Live at the Columbiahalle, Berlin 2003)

4 Thoughts of a Dying Atheist (Recorded Live at the Wiltern Theater 2004)

5 Ruled By Secrecy (Vocals and Keyboard Only)

6 88 Apocalypse Please (Vocals and Keyboard Only)

7 Time Is Running Out (Recorded Live at the Wiltern Theater 2004)

8 Sing for Absolution (Recorded Live at the Antic Arena, Vienne 2004)

9 Falling Away with You (Demo 2002)

10 Hysteria (Demo 2002)

11 Hysteria (Recorded Live at Earl's Court 2004)

12 Blackout (Recorded Live at the Antic Arena, Vienne 2004)

13 Butterflies & Hurricanes (Vocal, Keyboard and Strings Only)

14 Endlessly (Recorded Live at the Columbiahalle, Berlin 2003)

15 Thoughts of a Dying Atheist (Recorded Live at the Wiltern Theater 2004)

16 Ruled By Secrecy (Vocals and Keyboard Only)

- Disc 8 -

1 Side B



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